For years I've been unable to sing 'God Bless America'. But that's changed. He is blessing America again and America is once again being a light to the world. I don't know how many of our newly elected leaders and advisors are Christians. But I know that God can use anybody, like he used pagan king Nebuchadezzar and king Cyrus. And I praise God for answered prayers. You mentioned a big one - the cessation of federal funding for abortions.

I'm sure that millions of Christians have been praying for that. Then there's the stopping of federal funding for schools and states that teach and promote boys calling themselves girls and wanting to compete in girls sports. Schools will lose their federal funding if they continue teaching transgender nonsense. And now federal agencies are ordered not to persecute Christians and Jews. What a relief. Federal agencies will no longer be secretly funding anti-biblical policies in America and foreign nations.

And several more changes that we've been praying for. It's important to recognize it when prayers are answered and God is moving. Thank Him and praise Him! Perhaps this is like the period of judges, when there were interludes where God intervened between periods of sinful idolatry. The forces of evil are losing many battles, at least for now. Let us rejoice in it while it lasts.

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I like the fact that the US seems to be getting away from promoting evil. Unfortunately, I’m not seeing any real sign of repentance or turning back to God. Being a little less evil won’t cut it.

I am praying that Americans will repent and turn back to God and that we will have revival. It is also seeming like Trump may be setting things up for the Gog/Magog war and then the Rapture/Tribulation, but only time will tell.

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“We need to always be more devoted to God and His kingdom than we are to our earthly citizenship.“


There unfortunately is some truth found within the fact that Arab nations call America the big satan and “Israel” the little satan. We have forced a lot of evil throughout the world especially the last 4 years with funding transgender ideology in the world. Pray and fight is what is needed by Christ followers to restore America into obedience to Gods Word and therefore receive His blessings. It’s always been an uphill battle and can’t be fought from the couch.

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The good news is I am seeing some turning away from evil, or at least from pushing evil. The bad news is that I haven’t personally seen signs of repentance or turning back to God.

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