Nicely done...

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We forget that all is foreknown by God. In Jeremiah 14, God had already determined the fate of His disobedient children. When Jesus told us not to cast pearls before swine, He is asking us to use discernment of their spiritual condition. Whenever we become religious, we lose discernment. In all things, seek the spirit.

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Very good point raised.

We need to have the revelation of the word 1 Corr 13:4-8.

One line in that word says

Love hates evil but rejoices in truth.

So similarly we are to love everyone with the same parameter as defined in these verses. If anyone who is in continous rebellion with God even after sharing gospel then our prayer for him/ her shud not be about his immediate relief from the problem but for him/her to know the truth and set free.

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Good point you are making here. Thank you 😊

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Well written, Christy, and insightful. Thanks.

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