Thanks for the parable - it helps in understanding Daniel's situation, and I was just getting ready to start preparing a class on Daniel - so good timing.
And thanks for sharing your own story. God is good, all the time.
I notice that so often God brings me to the same idea or the same passage through multiple sources, ie. my Bible reading, church service, podcasts, blogs, etc. When I see the same passage or idea from multiple sources, I assume God is making sure I don’t miss something.
Yes I agree that God did work thru your hardships coz you submitted to him. But I also know that this wasn't his will for you to go through those hardships. As a parent, would you want your child to go thru hardships and then you will help him? Definitely no. Then how much our heavenly Father love us who gave his only begotten son Jesus for us knowing that we don't deserve him. That's his unconditional love for us.
But no matter how our life is, we have God all the time and who is Good all the time.
Challenging times bring humility and closer to God. Having said that, we need to remain closer to God in our good times as well so that we don't walk mistakenly into some landmine which is not meant for us.
But I don't agree that you got blessed so much coz of that bad situation. You could have got well paid off house without experiencing all these situations as well. Because God is a good God and He will always bless us no matter what not coz we are good but coz he is good.
We only need to remain in him in order to be fruitful and stay blessed.
Yes, we are part of fallen world and we will have our share of bad stuff but we are not supposed to always wish for bad things in order to get more blessings. That is not the will of God for us and hence it should never be our approach.
Thanks for the parable - it helps in understanding Daniel's situation, and I was just getting ready to start preparing a class on Daniel - so good timing.
And thanks for sharing your own story. God is good, all the time.
I notice that so often God brings me to the same idea or the same passage through multiple sources, ie. my Bible reading, church service, podcasts, blogs, etc. When I see the same passage or idea from multiple sources, I assume God is making sure I don’t miss something.
Yes, I’ve noticed that sometimes too.
Yes I agree that God did work thru your hardships coz you submitted to him. But I also know that this wasn't his will for you to go through those hardships. As a parent, would you want your child to go thru hardships and then you will help him? Definitely no. Then how much our heavenly Father love us who gave his only begotten son Jesus for us knowing that we don't deserve him. That's his unconditional love for us.
What a roller-coaster life!
But no matter how our life is, we have God all the time and who is Good all the time.
Challenging times bring humility and closer to God. Having said that, we need to remain closer to God in our good times as well so that we don't walk mistakenly into some landmine which is not meant for us.
But I don't agree that you got blessed so much coz of that bad situation. You could have got well paid off house without experiencing all these situations as well. Because God is a good God and He will always bless us no matter what not coz we are good but coz he is good.
We only need to remain in him in order to be fruitful and stay blessed.
Yes, we are part of fallen world and we will have our share of bad stuff but we are not supposed to always wish for bad things in order to get more blessings. That is not the will of God for us and hence it should never be our approach.
In a quick post I can't explain everything, but God clearly worked through the hardship. It was all according to His will and for our good.