I’m going to try to put various series on this page to make it easier to find them and read the entire series, especially since I sometimes insert other posts in the middle or work on a series, leave, and then add more to the series. Some of the listed posts are not yet posted or not yet finished, but this lets you know what is coming.
God’s Promises
God's Promises: Adam, Abraham, & Jacob, Waiting doesn't mean God is unfaithful, Part 1
God's Promises: David & Jeremiah, Waiting doesn't mean God is unfaithful, Part 2
God's Promises fulfilled: Messiah, Jesus Christ, Waiting doesn't mean God is unfaithful, Part 3
God Makes Himself Known
God Demonstrates His Power, God Makes Himself Known, Part 1 (Egypt)
God Defends His Honor, God Makes Himself Known, Part 2 (Phillistines)
The One True God, God Makes Himself Known, Part 3 (Who deserves worship)
Jesus is God, God Makes Himself Known, Part 4 (Jews & Gentiles)
Every Knee Will Bow Down, God Makes Himself Known, Part 5 (All Will Know)
Conversation With God, Prayer, Part 1 (Integrating continual prayer into your life)
Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Prayer, Part 2 (The Lords Prayer)
God Answers Seemingly Unanswered Prayers, Prayer, Part 3
Pray Continually Talking with God
A Hard Question With an Uncomfortable Answer , Praying for America
Do Not Pray For????
End Times (Left Behind)
This is my series on end times for both believers and unbelievers. It helps you understand what is coming and what that means for believers and unbelievers.
The Carrot or the Stick (Part 1) The Judgment Seat of Christ vs the Great White Throne Judgment
Up, Up, and Away (Part 2) The Rapture
Will You Shrink Away in Shame (Part 3) Are you a true child of God or a pretender and how does this effect us in the end times
A Change of Heart (Part 4) My personal change to be more focused on my future with Christ than with the worries of this world.
Walk in the Light (Part 5) A study of Biblical references to God/Jesus as light as inspired by the description, in Revelation, of the New Jerusalem in Heaven
To Mark or Not to Mark? That is the Question! (Part 6) The mark of the beast. What it is and how it effects anyone left behind after the rapture
What Do We Do With the Time Left? (Part 7) Time is short. How do we live knowing that the rapture and the tribulation are coming? (coming September 4, 2024)
Every Knee Will Bow Down, God Makes Himself Known, Part 5 (All Will Know) This was originally written as part of the God Makes Himself Known series, but covers end time. It includes a summary of end times and Revelation and demonstrates how God makes Himself known.
Jeremiah 25, What does it tell us about what is happening today?
Literal Genesis
Why is a literal interpretation of Genesis Important? (Part 1) Summary, Yom (Day) explanation, Science (what is it and how does it relate to Genesis), Different Interpretations of Same Evidence, Specific Evidences of a Young Earth, How a Literal Interpretation of Genesis Leads to Accurate Scientific Predictions, and Other Resources
Why is a literal interpretation of Genesis Important? (Part 2) Genesis as the foundation of the Gospel
Why is a literal interpretation of Genesis Important? (Part 3) How a literal interpretation of Genesis informs our views on Marriage, Gender, and Abortion
Why is a literal interpretation of Genesis Important? (Part 4) Anthropological Evidence, Flood layers, Erosion,
Why is a literal interpretation of Genesis Important? (Part 5) Evidence that Genesis is historical narrative, Jesus’s References to Genesis as Real History, & Other New Testament References to Genesis as Real History
Why is a literal interpretation of Genesis Important? (Part 6) How does a literal interpretation of Genesis affect theology and belief in the Bible.
Fruits of the Spirit
This is my series on the Fruits of the Spirit. (I will try to be good about updating links as new posts publish)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Why I Need Jesus: Who is God? What does that mean for me? Why Should I Care?
paperback (coming soon)